Saturday, December 02, 2006

This is Aurica, a sweet friend, and a very tired me...:) Also taken in Romania last month. Posted by Picasa
My best friend Maria and I(Jacky). This picture was taken two weeks ago! Posted by Picasa
What can I say?? He's just my champion!:) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


This is Kecskemet, a city close to our home in Hungary. It has many beautiful buildings and many shops and big shopping-centers. My dad went to hot water "springs" and felt it was good for his hand! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This is a drawing that I made a long time ago when a friend moved back to the States from Belgium.
This copy has been laying somewhere for years, and now that we found it again I was amazed that the words say exactly what I have realized again and again during the years past. It's not always easy to stand for the Lord. It's not always easy to be on your own, but through the good- and the hard times, one call remains, and that's the call from this drawing!! Lord bless you all! Jacky Baken Posted by Picasa

My nephew Daniel with "his dog" from the neighbour.
This dog and our two dogs, Borat and Miklos, have the daily rutual to run along the canal like crazy, back and forth. That last about five minutes and then they're happy and ready to "go their own ways" again. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006